The Chinese Attitude to study hard can be our inspiration

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

As we know, China is one country that currently has the fastest in economic growth and infrastructure development in the world.

The country that become a “ghost” in economic field  not only for developing countries but also developed countries; they all concerned with the production of goods of China. China is also a country with the largest reserves in the world.

What does push them forward? Below are some photos from a mailing list about how persistent their lower class people in China to learn.

This photograph is a portrait named a community of scavengers on the outskirts of large cities.

Their lives are very hard not only for their parents but their small children must feel it so. But the persistence  attitude of scavenger children there to study hard deserves two thumbs up

Between their activities to make a living, the spare time filled with learning. Probably it’s not overacting if we take the lessons to learn from this. So, in future day, We also can get up and build a great nation, to fill up the spare time with studying activities.

And also, with all of our facilities in education, we should grateful to use, and not waste it.
Check out the pictures below

Outskirt children in China very enthusiastic to learn between their activity to make living.

The hard live can not hinder their persistence to keep study hard.

How they are so persistent to study between their hard live can be an inspiration for us.:

Spare time filled with studying activity

Seeing how hard they learn, they must be success soon

How hard their live is

This is their daily life.

At last, I’m graduated


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